
School Management System

Key Features:

  1. User Registration: Register school staff, teachers, students, and other components with streamlined user roles.
  2. Attendance Management: Track attendance for each class, ensuring accurate daily records.
  3. Role-Based UI: Provides role-specific dashboards for school administrators, teachers, and students.
  4. View Attendance History: Easily access attendance records, providing transparency for students and staff.
  5. Admin Control Panel: Manage all school functions from a centralized admin panel, including user roles, classes, and attendance.

Original price was: ₹4,999.00.Current price is: ₹899.00.

Quick Checkout

The Laravel School Management System is a comprehensive web application built using Laravel, designed to efficiently manage a school’s day-to-day operations, including student and teacher records, attendance, and role-based functionalities. This project serves as a powerful tool for school administrators, teachers, and students, facilitating seamless communication and effective record-keeping. Its user-friendly layout is suitable for real-world application, providing valuable learning for IT students.