
Hospital Management System

Key Features:

  1. Patient Panel: Allows patients to register, book appointments, view medical records, and download bills.
  2. Doctor Panel: Enables doctors to manage patient appointments and review their medical history.
  3. Admin Panel: Admin manages approvals, billing, and overall hospital operations.
  4. Create & Manage Appointments: Patients can schedule and manage their appointments, while doctors can adjust them.
  5. Billing Management: Generates and downloads bills, including medical and room charges.

Original price was: ₹4,999.00.Current price is: ₹999.00.

Quick Checkout

This Hospital Management System built with Python Django is a comprehensive web application for managing hospital records, patient appointments, and billing. The system is organized into three panels: Patient, Doctor, and Admin. Patients can register, manage appointments, view hospital expenses, and download bills. Doctors can view patient information, manage appointments, and interact with patient records. The Admin has complete control, overseeing system operations, approving requests, and managing billing details such as room charges and doctor fees. This project is ideal for learning or adapting hospital management functionalities.