
Car Rental System

Key Features:

  1. Customer Panel: Allows customers to register, browse available cars, make rental bookings, and view order history.
  2. Car Dealer Panel: Enables dealers to list vehicles for rent, manage sales, and track earnings.
  3. Search Rental Cars: Customers can search for cars based on location, seating capacity, and availability.
  4. Manage Orders: Customers can confirm and track their rental orders with detailed car and dealer information.
  5. Earnings History: Dealers can track their earnings and rental history.
  6. Sales History: Allows dealers to manage their vehicle inventory and sales.

Original price was: ₹4,999.00.Current price is: ₹999.00.

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The Car Rental System built with Python Django is a web-based project that helps both customers and dealers manage rental services. Customers can browse and search for rental cars, view details like vehicle name, color, seat capacity, and rental costs based on the number of days. Dealers can list vehicles, manage car inventory, and track their earnings from car rentals. The project is designed with a responsive dashboard and includes two main panels: Customer and Dealer, offering a streamlined user experience with essential car rental functionalities.