
Insurance Management System

Key Features:

  1. Customer Panel: Customers can register, apply for policies, view their policy history, and ask questions.
  2. Admin Panel: Administrators manage insurance categories, policies, customer records, and queries.
  3. Policy Application: Customers can apply for insurance, and the admin can approve or decline their requests.
  4. Query Management: Customers can submit queries, and admins can respond directly.
  5. Insurance Management: Admins can create and manage policies, including details such as name, category, premium, tenure, etc.

Original price was: ₹3,999.00.Current price is: ₹999.00.

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The Insurance Management System is a web-based project built using the Python Django framework that allows for efficient management of insurance policies and client records. The system is divided into two primary panels: the Admin Panel and the Customer Panel. Customers can register, apply for insurance policies, and track the status of their applications. Administrators have full control over managing insurance categories, policies, and customer records. They can also approve or decline policy applications and respond to customer queries. The project incorporates a clean, responsive UI using Bootstrap and Vanilla CSS, making it ideal for learning and practical use in managing an online insurance system.